I Can't Be Clearer
If you're paying more money than you're comfortable with for a service you probably don't need, I urge you to shrug off the shackles of installation fees and 2-year minimum contracts, and embrace the purchasing power laying dormant in your pocketbook.
I intend this blog as a repository for my experiences in negotiating customer service reps down to cheaper rates, one-time discounts, and freebies. My sincerest hope is that this would not only inspire others to adopt the practice of paying less, but also that those encouraged by what they find here would share their stories too, as a means of animating and enlightening everyone else they know toward the same.
I intend this blog as a repository for my experiences in negotiating customer service reps down to cheaper rates, one-time discounts, and freebies. My sincerest hope is that this would not only inspire others to adopt the practice of paying less, but also that those encouraged by what they find here would share their stories too, as a means of animating and enlightening everyone else they know toward the same.
Love the idea ... and I share your belief. Just hours ago I negotiated away a bogus "installation fee" from my new Internet provider that provided -- in fact -- no real installation (re: you had to do the work yourself). Looking forward to seeing your thoughts.
The Rowdy One, at 10:41 PM
Awesome! Bogus fees are my favorite ones to talk myself out of. Keep it up! Stick with the company for a few months and then see if you can negotiate a lower rate!
Dr. Martin van Nostrand, at 2:33 PM
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